Top 1300+ High-Quality Directory Submission Sites List in 2024

Updated On: December 28, 2024

Directory Submission Websites

Directory submission is a key aspect of off-page SEO and involves submitting your website’s links and other details to a web directory within a specific keyword or category.

This process boosts your website’s SEO by building connections. How does it work? These directories link your site to others. For example, if you have a tech blog, submitting it to a science and technology directory helps you gain valuable backlinks, improving your blog’s rank. Think of web directories like phone books, organizing websites by category for easier access.

How to submit a Directory Submission to Directory Submission Sites?

What are the Benefits of Directory Submission Websites?

Let us show you how to submit your website link to a directory submission site and boost your website’s search engine ranking.

  • First, pick from one of the top directory submission websites.
  • Choose a domain where you want to upload your websites or blog, like Exactseek or
  • Next, select the category that matches your blog’s niche. For instance, if you have a Marketing-related website, choose the Marketing and Branding category.
  • Click the connect button and your blog will be submitted to the directory.
  • After submitting, you have more options to narrow your listing. For example, if it’s a service blog, choose a subcategory like digital marketing services.
  • Finally, click the add item icon. Enter your URL, description, and title, and you’re done!

List Of 300 High-Quality Directory Submission Sites


1000+ Directory Submission Sites List – Access this comprehensive list to boost your SEO strategy with high-quality directory submissions.

What are the Benefits of Directory Submission?

1. High-Quality Backlinks: Submitting your website to directories helps build quality backlinks. These backlinks are valuable because they can improve your site’s ranking on search engines, making it more likely to appear on the first page of search results.

2. Increased Visibility: Want more eyes on your website? Listing your site in top high-traffic directory submission sites can significantly boost your visibility. This means more potential visitors discover your site.
3. Improved Indexing: Once your site is listed in a directory, it will be indexed by search engines, which enhances your site’s chances of being found through searches. Your site remains included in these directories, continually helping with search engine indexing.

Types of directory submission Sites should you focus on

We’ve talked about the benefits of using directory sites, and we’ve shared a list of sites that might be helpful. But what types of directory sites should you focus on?

Not sure? Let’s clear that up.

Here’s a brief of the types of directory submission sites and which ones you should consider.

1. Free Websites

The list I shared includes many free directory submission sites that might catch your eye. But keep in mind, you’re not the only one who finds these free websites attractive. 

Free directory sites can be very popular, and because they’re free, people often spam them with all kinds of links, which isn’t good practice. So, I recommend using them only after you’ve manually checked their quality.

2. Paid Websites

Paid websites are a solid way to build your links. Not everyone uses these, which means there are plenty of GOOD DIRECTORY sites available that are actually worthwhile.

If budget isn’t an issue, I highly recommend choosing PAID DIRECTORY SITES to achieve better results for your business.

3. Niche-Relevant Websites

You’ll find niche-relevant websites in both free and paid directory submission sites, but it’s important to mention them separately. These sites can provide valuable link juice and attract highly targeted users, which can help your website grow.

4. Reciprocal Websites

When submitting your website to a directory, you might come across reciprocal links. These are the ones you should avoid. 

Reciprocal links often require you to link back to them from your site’s footer, a type of link exchange. Building these kinds of links can make Google frown upon your site, so it’s best to steer clear of them.


It helps you get more exposure on the web by suggesting your site to web directories. However, be careful not to submit your site to too many directories, as this can be counterproductive. Instead, focus on selecting the best SEO-friendly directories.

Read More: Article Submission Sites

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