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Best Business Ideas In Kashmir For 2024

Updated On: July 20, 2024

Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

The gross domestic product of Jammu and Kashmir was estimated at ₹1.76 lakh crore (equivalent to ₹2.1 trillion or US$26 billion in 2023) in 2020–21.

As a businessman, what will be the first thing on your mind? Profit, good returns? Right?? Before investing in any place, you need to understand how important this place is! Does this place have any chance to grow? In recent years, you have seen Kashmir, which is the place where you can start your business and make it grow!

Before going to business analytics, we want to give you an apparent cover-up about highly profitable business ideas in Kashmir. You can go through the complete article and choose the most profitable.

How Can You Start Most Profitable Business Ideas in Kashmir

Profitable Business Ideas
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

So first thing first, in India, there are some rules you need to follow before starting any business, so first, Register your business under the Shop and Establishment Act. Register under the local Shop and Establishment Act if your business falls under this category. Comply with Tax Regulations: If applicable, ensure compliance with all tax regulations, including income tax and GST. These documents will help you with government loans and many more things. These are some simple factors you need to know before starting your business.

So here are some complete lists of Best Business Ideas in Kashmir

Agriculture business

Schoolwork by Startup Kashmir indicates that the agricultural sector alone contributes 23% of Jammu and Kashmir’s GDP. However, inopportunely, the industry needs to be more organized, which is an uninteresting area.

Agriculture - best business ideas in kashmir
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

Entrepreneurs can create innumerable jobs for unemployed youth while bringing further development to the agriculture sector of Kashmir.

Mainly potatoes, onions, mushrooms, and strawberries are imported from other states. What Kashmiri entrepreneurs can do is to stop such an enormous outflow of money while growing locally, advocates Startup Kashmir.

Dairy farming business

Dairy farming - best business ideas in kashmir
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

Kashmir even imports huge numbers of milk from outside. While Zam Zam Dairy and other local brands have taken measures, they have yet to fill significant gaps in quality milk supply in most urban areas of Kashmir, hence inviting severe commercial attention.

Butter and curd production

Beyond milk, there is also a vast local market for butter and curd products in Kashmir, comprising households, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Poultry farming business

Poultry farming business
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

The local consumption of hen is high, but production is fragile in Kashmir, permitting a massive outflow of money to other states. The local entrepreneurs can stop that from transpiring while opening more poultry farming units in Kashmir.

Recycling business

Recycling business
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

The recycling sector is yet to accept a complete entrepreneurial focus in Kashmir. Despite many local recycling collection centers in the Valley, large amounts of discarded paper, plastic, aluminum cans, metal scraps, etc.., await local entrepreneurs’ efforts. You can make money while selling such recyclables to reprocessing plants.

E-commerce solutions 

Many local retailers, restaurants, hotels, and enterprises operating in other fields need professionals who can help them capitalize on the growing tendency of online shopping.

As an e-commerce specialist, you can help by creating various e-commerce solutions such as online portals, virtual shopping carts, SEO, SEM SMO services, etc., as their businesses require.

Computer support services

Individuals with individual computers, banks, government, and educational institutes constitute potential target markets for computer support service areas that involve diagnosing, troubleshooting, and repairing problematic computer plans in Kashmir.

Web design and development

Web design and development
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

The use of the internet as a means to admittance information about jobs, shop online, and learn about educational notices is constantly increasing in Kashmir, thus making it very important for business establishments and academic institutes like universities, colleges, schools, etc. to create web portals. We are sure that Kashmir has plenty of adolescents who can provide web design & development services.

Tourism-related business

Tourism is a significant industry in Kashmir, as long as somewhere around 30% employment to local population. For your data, more than a million tourists visit Kashmir every year, and their number keeps increasing every year.

We know that the more the sightseer inflow, the more money will rush into the economy of Kashmir through their outlay on restaurants, hotels, transport, and many more things.

Sheep farming business

Sheep farming - best business ideas in kashmir
Best Business Ideas In Kashmir

The local population in Kashmir drinks around 51,000 tonnes of mutton annually, claims Startup Kashmir. Nearly 21,000 tonnes are brought in from outside the state. Local entrepreneurs can replace imported mutton quantity through local produce while opening sheep farm units across Kashmir.

Fruit Juice Manufacturing

Apples and grapes are among the delectable fruits grown in Jammu & Kashmir. You can launch a business producing fruit juices by purchasing raw materials from nearby farms and processing them into fruit juices.

Handicrafts & Woolen E-commerce Biz

Picture the crispy air of a Himalayan morning, where every breath you take is a calm whisper of the mountains. Now, imagine wrapping yourself in the soft hold of a handcrafted woolen shawl, each strand telling a story, each pattern a secret of the artiste who spun it.

This isn’t just about staying warm; it’s about resonating a piece of tradition, a slice of home wherever you go. That’s the enchanted handcrafted woolen wear, and guess what? It’s not just a treat for the minds but could be the next big thing in your commercial journey.

Adventure Booking App

What if I told you that your next adrenaline-packed adventure in Jammu & Kashmir is just a few taps away? Enter the world of mobile booking apps – your go-to solution for snagging the best spots in real-time for that mountain climb, that white-water adventure, or that jaw-dropping bungee jump. So, you can develop some apps for these!

Cooking Class

You will be surprised to know every place has its own delicacy and infamous pizza from Italy; they also have classes for locals and visitors! A bustling online store stocked with the most authentic, hand-ground spices, each blend telling the tale of a thousand feasts. But why stop there? Unleash the secrets of the valley’s cuisine over interactive cooking classes that teleport food enthusiasts straight to the heart of Kashmir, all from the coziness of their homes.


By following these steps/ business ideas assiduously and consistently nurturing your online business idea in Kashmir, you can overlay the way to success while contributing positively to the vibrant entrepreneurial landscape of this beautiful region!


Which business is growing fast in Kashmir?

Despite the tension that engrossed the Valley following the abrogation of Article 370 and the lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism has confirmed unparalleled resilience. In 2023, a record 2.1 crore tourists visited J&K, according to the tourism department’s data.

Which is the best business to start in Kashmir with low investment?

Yes, many low-investment ideas are viable in Kashmir. Starting a home-based Pashmina or handicraft business, offering online tutoring services, or setting up a small rental service are the top business ideas for anyone wanting to start with low capital.

What is the leading business in Kashmir?

APPLE (Malus Sylvestris) Apple production is the main occupation in the Kashmir Valley, constituting 90% of the total crop. Apple accounts for over 60% of the country’s total apple production.

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